Friday, January 21, 2011

Spring 2011 GSS Meetings & Ice Skating Social

Our Spring Monthly Meetings are set!  The result of the poll was to keep our traditional meeting day and time, which is the 2nd Thursday of each month from 5-7pm.  Thus, the Spring 2011 GSS meetings will be:

February 10th, 5-7pm in 116 Gore Hall
March 10th, 5-7pm in 116 Gore Hall
April 14th, 5-7pm in 116 Gore Hall
May 12th, 5-7pm in 116 Gore Hall

Please mark your calendars, or subscribe to the GSS google calendar.

Also, all UD grad students are invited to our Ice Skating Social, which will be on Friday, February 4th, 8-10pm at the Fred Rust Ice Arena. Admission is free with your UD ID card, and skate rental is $3. We will provide FREE snacks and beverages! For more information check out our facbook page

Please pass this information on to your colleagues. Looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming event and meeting!

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