Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Graduate Internships in Delaware Arts and Culture, Summer 2010

The Graduate Internships in Delaware Arts and Culture provide opportunities for students to work in organizations and agencies that support, preserve, and present cultural heritage and fine and performing arts to public audiences in the state. No prior experience in not-for-profits is required for participation in this program, which is open to all full-time graduate students at any stage of their courses of study.  Successful applicants will be paid $3,500 for eight weeks of full-time work (320 hours) to be undertaken during the summer of 2010.  See

The organizations sponsoring internships are Delaware Humanities Forum, Delaware State Division of Historical & Cultural Affairs, The Biggs Museum of American Arts, Delaware Art Museum, Delaware Historical Society, The Grand Opera House, Delaware Theater Company, and Newark Arts Alliance.

The deadline for applications in February 22, 2010; appointments will be made and announced by March 25, 2010.

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