Monday, April 26, 2010

New Summer Bus Route!

Bus services will be provided this summer for transportation to and around campus, as a result of graduate student requests.  High ridership will reinforce that this bus is necessary for graduate students, and will ensure that it is provided in the future, so please, take advantage of this new service!  Details of the bus are as follows:

Who: Contact Jared Walfish:
 A twice-a-day bus route in the morning and late afternoon/evening
 Smith Overpass -> West Park Place and Willa Rd. -> Elkton Rd. and Thorn Lane -> Field House South College Ave -> Townsend Hall South College Ave -> Perkins Student Center -> Wyoming Rd. and Yale Dr -> University Courtyard (S. Chapel St.) -> Smith Overpass
 7:15-10:15am and 3:45-6:45pm every 30 minutes

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