Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Grant Development Workshop

The Grant Training Center
Professional Grant Development Workshop
Master the techniques of writing superior and winning proposals
Proposal Writing I:  March - 15 - 17, 2010
To be held at:
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center 

This intensive three-day grant proposal workshop is geared for: 1) those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills and 2) beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing, writing and winning proposals from various funding agencies.  The center of attention will be on how to effectively tell the story that leads to funding, be it for the researcher in the sciences and social sciences, educator and non-profit professional.

Participants Will Learn How To: 
•           Comprehend the diversity of the grant funding community
•           Research and identify potential funding sources
•           Create the right fit with the funding agency
•           Address the guidelines of proposals
•           Identify and effectively write the key elements of a proposal
•           Integrate each component of the grant into the final product
•           Develop focused and realistic budgets
•           Package professional grants submissions

Space is limited, and since this class fills-up quickly, it is on a first-come-first serve basis.

Workshop fee: $595.00  including tuition, materials, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast. Rebate of $50.00 per person is given for two or more registrants from the same organization.
To register please go to: Grant Training Center
To register by phone or for more information call (866)-704-7268

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